首页> 中文期刊> 《生物学杂志》 >漆酶/TBHP催化黄麻接枝丙烯酰胺的研究




Acrylamide(AM) was grafted to the surface of jute fabric which is rich in lignin using laccase/TBHP as the catalyst.The Kjeldahl nitrogen determination method was used to measure nitrogen content of jute graft-copolymer,and the structure of the copolymer was analyzed by FT-IR.The effects of graft polymerization conditions including reaction temperature,pH value and the dosages of monomers and laccases on grafting percentage and grafting efficiency were assessed.The results indicated that the nitrogen contents of ungrafted jute and jute graft-copolymer were 1.16 mg/g and 5.19 mg/g,respectively.Amide absorption peak detected on the infrared spectrum of grated jute revealed the existence of jute graft-copolymer.The optimal conditions were obtained as follows:reaction temperature 50℃,pH value 5,consumption rate of AM to jute 2:1,the dosage of laccase 2U/mL.Under these conditions,the grafting percentage of jute graft-copolymer was 2.87% and grafting efficiency reached 1.43%.%以富含木质素的黄麻为原料,在漆酶/TBHP介质体系下,通过漆酶催化木质素氧化引发丙烯酰胺在黄麻表面接枝共聚.利用凯氏定氮法测定了接枝前后黄麻氮含量变化,傅里叶红外光谱分析了接枝产物结构;考察了反应温度、pH值、单体用量和漆酶浓度对接枝率和接枝效率的影响.结果表明:未接枝的黄麻含氮量为1.16 mg/g,经漆酶/TBHP体系催化接枝并去除均聚物和未反应单体后的黄麻含氮量达到5.19 mg/g,在接枝黄麻的红外光谱图上检测到了酰胺的红外特征吸收峰,说明黄麻表面确实接枝了聚丙烯酰胺;温度50℃、pH值5、AM/黄麻2∶ 1、漆酶浓度2 U/mL时接枝效果最好,此时接枝率达到2.87%,接枝效率为1.43%.



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