


According to the traditional view,the Wei-suo system was founded by Liu Ji in 1368,the first year of the reign of Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty,yet that is not correct.First,the relevant historical records cannot be trusted,because such materials as Liu Ji’s biographical sketches and Song Lian’s articles are either artificial compilation or traditional conformism.The reason why those views became common views is because they were written into The History of the Ming Dynastys.Second,the Wei-suo system had already appeared in the Yuan Dynasty.Zhu Yuanzhang,founder and 1st emperor of the Ming Dynasty,followed this system before the establishment of the dynasty.So its establishment and improvement were an ongoing process.The view was mistaken as the result of Liu Ji’s contribution because of the various systems established in the early years of the Ming Dynasty with the participation,or other political struggles among top rulers during that period,or the various myths and legends told about Liu Jji.%传统观点认为明代卫所制度由刘基于洪武元年创立,事实并非如此。相关史料如刘基行状、宋濂作品等,或是人为编造,或因袭旧章,均有可疑之处,但因编入钦定《明史》,遂成定说。卫所制度元时就已出现,在明朝建立之前朱元璋沿用了卫所制度,其基本职掌业已具备。事实是,卫所制度的建立和完善是一个持续的动态过程,并非始自洪武元年刘基的倡立。卫所制度被认为是刘基所创,与刘基参与明初诸多制度创设有一定的关系,或与明初统治者高层的政治斗争以及明中期以后诸多与刘基神话传说有更为密切的关联。



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