首页> 中文期刊>北京政法职业学院学报 >首都人口调控的思路和建议--以北京新机场建设中流动人口问题为例1




During the construction of the new airport in Beijing, 200,000 builders will enter into the ifve towns in the south of Daxing district. Regarding how to control population in these areas and to prevent from chaos in rural-urban fringe zone, we may not only need to deal well with relationships between economic development and population rushing-in, between social comprehensive governance and serving capital development, between government leadership and market adjustment, and that between improving the whole area’s strength and people’s happiness of life, but also emphasize both management and service, make overall industry layout according to the demand, obtain population data effectively and establish entrance management system for houses for rent.%在北京大兴新机场建设过程中,将有大量人口涌入北京市大兴区南五镇。如何在这些重点区域调控人口,避免出现城乡结合部乱象,这既需要处理好经济发展与人口涌入的关系、社会综合治理与服务首都发展的关系、政府主导与市场调节的关系以及改革发展提升地区整体实力与提升百姓生活幸福感的关系,又应做到服务与管理并驾齐驱,按照需求做好产业整体布局,有效掌控人口数据、建立门禁制度管理出租房屋等。



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