首页> 中文期刊> 《包头医学院学报》 >单人徒手心肺复苏术在专科护生教学中存在的问题及对策




目的:对某高校2012级专科护生单人徒手心肺复苏术教学过程中存在的问题进行剖析,有针对性地改进教学方式、内容,以期提高护生的操作水平、提高护理实验教学质量。方法:对2012级护理专科学生讲授《2010国际心肺复苏及心血管急救指南》中的心肺复苏术,随机选取本年级护生207人,分为9组,在讲授及逐一回视的过程中密切观察、反思、总结。结果:在单人徒手心肺复苏术课后回视中,颈总动脉定位方式、气道的打开、口对口人工呼吸错误率较高,错误包括操作步骤遗漏、时间观念不强、推理理念淡薄。结论:单人徒手心肺复苏过程中注意授课方式、时间的安排,训练过程中密切观察、及时纠正不正确的手法,训练结束后逐一回视,再次纠正。%Objective:To raise the nursing studentsˊoperation level and to improve the quality of nursing experimental teaching through analy-zing the problems existing in the teaching of single unarmed cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR)to the nursing students of 2012 in a college,im-proving the targeted methods and enriching the teaching content. Methods:207 nursing students,from those of 2012 having CPR lessons in 2010 American Heart Association Guidelines for CPR and ECC,were randomly selected and divided into 9 groups for close observation,introspection and conclusion in both the process of teaching and reviewing. Results:Reviewing single unarmed CPR classes,there was a high error rate in such as-pects as location method of carotid artery,airway opening,mouth to mouth resuscitation,with such errors as the omission of operation steps,failure in opportune timing and the weakness for reasoning concept involved. Conclusion:Much attention should be paid to the teaching methods,time al-lotment and close observation of manipulation in the process of single unarmed CPR training,with improper manipulation timely corrected,and each kind of such improper manipulation needs to be reviewed and recorrected by the end of the training.



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