首页> 中文期刊> 《保定学院学报》 >挑战与应对:革命派对五大臣出洋考察的回应——兼论同盟会成立初期革命派的策略取向




1905年7月16日,清政府颁布了遣使出洋考察政治的谕旨,是举为清政府谋求政体改革的第一个步骤,高度契合了国内立宪派的政治追求,他们积极为清政府加油鼓劲、建言献策,与清政府暂时结成事实上的联盟,这无疑是对革命派的有力挑战。8月20日,革命派统一机关同盟会在日本东京成立,由于缺乏言论机关,革命派对遣使举措以及由于9月24日吴樾暗杀考政大臣受到国内立宪派的强烈挞伐几无回应,直到11月26日同盟会机关报《民报》创刊,革命派才对出洋考察团乃至清政府能否推行政体改革有较为系统的回应,这些回应言论从一个侧面展示了同盟会成立初期革命派的策略取向。%On July 16,1905,Qing government promulgated a decree of dispatching a commission investigating-abroad,which was the first step of constitutional reformation and catered to domestic constitutionalists' political pursuit.As a result,domestic constitutionalists encouraged this dispatch and make their proposals warmly.The fact that domestic constitutionalists formed a coalition with Qing government temporarily was undoubtedly a challenge for revolutionary.On August 20,Tong Meng Hui was established in Tokyo,Japan,because of lack of speech or-gans,revolutionary had little reaction for the commission and the assassination taken by WuYue.After the establishment of Minpao in Novem-ber 26,revolutionary began to gave a systematic reaction about the commission and whether Qing can implement constitutional reformation.These responses at certain extent displayed revolutionary's strategy orientation in the beginnings of Tong Meng Hui.



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