首页> 中文期刊> 《弹道学报》 >火炮卡膛一致性问题研究




In order to analyze the effect of ammunition ramming on the consistency of bayonet chamber of gun, the whole process of ammunition ramming was studied. Considering the force of ammunition ramming,the velocity of ammunition ramming bayonetchamber and contactimpact between projectile and barrel in the process of ammunition ramming, the dynamic model of ammunition ramming bayonetchamber was constructed. The effects of the force of ammunition ramming, gap and contactimpact between projectile and barrel on the consistency of bayonet chamber were analyzed and quantitatively studied. The results show that the consistency of bayonetchamber is degraded while adopting "unchangeable force" ammunition ramming and gap and contactimpact between projectile and barrel existing. It can improve the consistency of ammunition ramming bayonetchamber effectively to adopt variablefore ammunition ramming and to lower the location of rammer.%为了分析火炮输弹过程对弹丸卡膛一致性的影响,研究了整个输弹过程.通过考虑输弹过程中的输弹力、卡膛速度、弹丸入膛过程中与身管内壁的接触碰撞等方面因素,建立了卡膛过程的动力学模型,对输弹力、弹丸与身管的间隙及接触碰撞对卡膛一致性的影响进行了分析和定量研究.分析结果表明,采用恒力输弹方式、弹丸与身管间的间隙及其接触碰撞的存在必然降低高低射界内不同射角弹丸的卡膛一致性,而采用变力输弹方式和降低输弹机安装位置等措施可以有效改善弹丸的卡膛一致性.



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