首页> 中文期刊>安庆师范学院学报(自然科学版) >基于“双元制”模式下印刷技术专业实践教学体系的构建和实施




对高职高专实践教学体系内涵进行深入剖析的基础上,分析了国内印刷类高职院校实践教学现状,借助于中德职业教育合作平台,构建出基于以"能力为本位"的印刷技术专业实践教学内容体系,以"双元"师资、"双元"教材、"双元"教学场所为主体的实践教学保障体系,以学生能力培养为根本的实践教学评价体系,改革现有实验、实训、实习、综合实践和毕业顶岗实习等实践教学环节,经过几年的实践,有效地提高了学生的基本能力、专业能力和职业能力。%By making deep analysis on the connotations of the practical teaching system in vocational colleges and on the current situation of the practical teaching in the vocational colleges of printing in the country,our college has made use of the Sino-German vocational educational cooperation platform to build a ability-oriented practical teaching system of printing technique major.The practical teaching security system with the Dual System teaching staff,teaching materials and places as its main components,as well as the practical teaching evaluation system based on the training of the students' abilities,the reform on the practical teaching of the current experiment,professional training,internship,integrated practice and post practice have effectively improved the students' fundamental abilities,professional abilities and vocational abilities after several years' practice.



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