首页> 中文期刊>安徽师范大学学报(人文社会科学版) >英汉语小句的句法结构及其事件论元的实现∗




英汉语中的小句结构统一表现为嵌套时态短语的话题短语投射。英语小句中的时态成分在不同小句类型中具有实现事件论元的可选性特征,其句法结果为英语名词小句和形容词小句中的主语移位至话题短语指定语位置,而英语动词小句中话题短语指定语的位置由小代语 pro 占据。话题短语指定语位置上成分的不同造成了英语不同小句中主语被动化提取的差别。汉语中的时态成分同样在实现事件论元方面具有可选性特征。汉语补足语小句中的时态成分选择不实现事件论元,因此汉语名词小句和形容词小句中话题短语指定语位置上的成分为小代语 pro。汉语独立小句中的时态则选择实现事件论元,其主语实现为话题。%The structure of English and Chinese small clauses is represented uniformly as a TopP projection embedded with a TP projection.The English T has the optionality of realizing event argument in different types of small clauses,the syntactic consequence of which is that the subject of English nominal and adjectival small clauses moves to Spec-TopP while this counterpart position for verbal small clauses is filled by pro,and this difference in Spec-TopP position leads to the difference in small clause subject passivization.The Chinese T also possesses the feature of optionality in terms of e-vent argument realization.The Chinese T in complement small clauses chooses not to realize the event argument,and the Spec-TopP position of Chinese nominal small clauses and adjectival small clauses is occupied by pro.The Chinese T choo-ses to realize the event argument in independent small clauses,and the subject of impendent small clauses is interpreted as a topic.



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