首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >抚顺市2010年异常气候对农业影响分析




[Objective] The aim was to study the influence of abnormal climate in Fushun City in 2010 and its influences on Agriculture. [ Method] In response to the abnormal climate in Fushun in 2010, the atmosphere circulation characteristics of abnormal climate and their influences on each aspect of agriculture were expounded. [Result] The abnormal weather in Fushun City in 2010 was as follows: extreme low temperature in spring, much precipitation, more precipitation in each month, less sunshine hours, abnormally less precipitation in July and August , having five times of heavy rain. The main atmosphere circulation features were extreme strong of vortex in March and frequent cold air activity; strong high pressure ridge in Mountain Ural in Middle April, west and strong east Asian Trough and strong front in middle and north part of Asia; middle and high latitude in Asia in May was wide trough region. The subtropical high ridge of the north front was more north than that in other common years and the position of west ridge was more conductive to the transportation of water vapor and formation of rain; because of extreme strong vortex in July and August, subtropical high was conductive to the cold air in the north moving south and the transportation of south water vapor. The extreme climate brought adverse influences on each aspect of agriculture and resulted into large economic losses. [Conclusion] The study provided references for the improvement of abnormal climate forecast and disaster prevention capacity.%[目的]研究抚顺市2010年异常气候及其对农业的影响.[方法]针对2010年抚顺市异常气候特点,对异常气候大气环流特征及异常气候对农业各方面影响进行分析.[结果]抚顺市2010年异常气候为:春季气温异常偏低,降水异常偏多,各月降水持续偏多,日照持续偏少;7 ~8月降水异常偏少,出现5次暴雨天气.主要大气环流特征为:3月极涡明显偏强,冷空气活动频繁;4月中旬乌拉尔山高压脊偏强,东亚大槽偏西、偏强,亚洲中北部锋区强;5月亚洲中高纬度为宽广槽区,北支锋区偏北副热带高压脊线比常年偏北,西脊点位置较常年偏西有利于水汽输送出现多雨天气;7 ~8月由于极涡异常偏强,副热带高压偏西偏强有利于北方冷空气南下和南方水汽输送.2010年异常气候对农业各方面带来不利影响,造成较大经济损失.[结论]该研究为提高异常天气预报和防灾减灾能力提供参考.



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