首页> 中文期刊> 《农机化研究》 >基于 DEA 方法对农机设备优化选型的研究

基于 DEA 方法对农机设备优化选型的研究



农机设备的选择直接决定了农机化装备的水平,农机化装备的水平又可以反映出某一地区的农业现代化程度,更关乎到广大农民的切身利益。为此,在传统农机设备选型方法研究的基础上引入数据包络概念,以C2 R模型为基础,构建农机设备优选评价模型;以九三农垦管局岳之峰合作社为例,通过相关数据的计算,综合各项权重指标,选出适用其自身特点的农机设备。此模型评价指标更加客观、计算过程更为简便合理,易于实际中的操作应用,具有很强的指导意义。%The choice of agricultural mechanization directly determines the equipped level of agricultural , the latter can reflect the level of modernization of agriculture in a region , and it is also related to the farmers 's vital interests .In this paper , we develop a DEA model based on the traditional farm equipment selection ,build the optimization selection evalu-ation model of agricultural mechanization , select the appropriate farm equipment , by quantitative analysis and weight measurement ,this model can Improve previous evaluation models ,and also made it more simple and reasonable ,has great practical significance.



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