首页> 中文期刊> 《农机化研究》 >桨式搅拌器结构参数优化试验




Paddle mixer because of its simple structure, stable performance, has been widely used in of anaerobic fer-mentation, the structural parameters paddle but poorly researched.The with three factors and three levels orthogonal test methods were adopted, using net power required for stirring and stirring intensity ( Length of time required to complete stirring,stirring intensity reflects the size)as investigation index, and the stirring shaft rotational speed 150r/min, pad-dles diameter 135 mm, paddles inclination 60°as influencing factors,get net power required for stirring content 2.6 w, Length of time required to complete stirring 5s.Parameters that affected the structure of the combined Paddle mixer device were optimized and combined.It provides a structure parameters for the optimal design paddle agitator.%桨式搅拌器因其结构简单、性能稳定,一直被广泛应用于厌氧发酵领域,对于搅拌桨的结构参数却少有研究. 为此,以搅拌轴旋转速度、桨叶直径、桨叶倾角作为影响因素,以搅拌所需净功率与搅拌强度(以完全搅拌所需时间长短,反映搅拌强度大小)为考察指标,采用3 因素3 水平正交试验确定桨式搅拌器结构优化参数. 结果表明:当最优组合在搅拌轴旋转速度为150r/min、桨叶直径为135mm、桨叶倾角为60°时,得到的搅拌所需功率2.6W、搅拌时间为5s.



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