首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 >试析贾岛“推敲”一事真伪及缘由




In late Tang Dynasty, there are two editions of Jia Dao“Push-Knock”stories. The plots had even been adopted by the official history. But it was fabricated by the descendants,and it can be proved by the time of the story,the friendship of Jia Dao and the books of the story. Rumors also have reason and there are many argu-ments for them. Jia Dao is a little crazy and quirk;he works hard on poem. The rumor is also related to other ethos:Such as the imperial civil examination system in Tang;the people in that dynasty prevent beg for an audience with an influential person and they like to write stories;regional factor and reception history of Jia Dao. There are many rumors translate into the facts in history of literature ,the explanations of this can help us understand the track of lit-erature,provide a real background for literary output.%贾岛“推敲”的故事,从晚唐开始就有两种版本流传,其情节甚至被正史采纳。但从事件发生的时间、贾岛的交游关系以及文献记录等角度可以考察出,该事件实为后人的杜撰。捕风捉影未必无因,该流言形成及流传的原因是多方面的,它既与贾岛自身狷狂又怪癖的性格及苦吟诗风有关,也受到唐朝科举制度、干谒之风和书写传奇之风流行等社会因素的影响,此外,地域和贾岛在后代的接受史也促进了该流言转变为事实。古代文学史中有很多史事是由流言演变而来,通过对这些事件的还原和解释可以有助于了解文学发生、发展的轨迹,为文学作品的研究提供真实的背景。



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