首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林中医药》 >茜草本草考证




Rubiae Radix et Rhizoma is one of the most common traditional Chinese medicinal materials in China. It has a long history of medicine by dry roots and rhizomes, and has been recorded in all dynasties since the Shennong herbal classic.This article studied the gremplasm origin,distribution,quality evaluation,field processing and processed methods by literature research. Our results showed that Rubiae Radix et Rhizoma is the dried root and rhizome of Rubia cordifolia L..It is widely distributed throughout our country,Shaanxi and Henan were the main producing areas with good quality; Rubiae Radix et Rhizoma with long, red brown surface and yellow red fracture surface showed better quality; Digging in spring and autumn and washing the soil, then drying before using. It has the effect of cooling blood, removing blood stasis, hemostasis, dredging the channel etc. It was used for vomiting blood, nosebleed, calving, trauma hemorrhage, bruising and joint pain in clinical.%茜草为我国常用大宗中药材之一,其以干燥根及根茎入药,药用历史悠久,自《神农本草经》以来历代本草和方书均有记载.通过本草考证,从茜草的基原、产地变迁、品质评价、产地加工与炮制等方面进行了系统的梳理,认为自北宋以来茜草的基原植物为茜草科植物茜草Rubia cordifolia L.,药用部位为根及根茎;广泛分布于全国各地,陕西和河南为其药材主产地;药材以条粗长、表面红棕色、断面黄红色者为佳;宜春、秋两季采挖,洗净泥土,干燥待用;具有凉血,祛瘀,止血,通经等功效;临床上多用于吐血,衄血,崩漏,外伤出血,瘀阻经闭,关节痹痛,跌扑肿痛.



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