首页> 中文期刊>剑南文学(经典阅读) >论曹操军队的构成、管理及影响




曹操成就霸业所依赖的军队来源十分复杂,包括家族兵、主动归附的军队,战败的军闽,黄巾余部,地方豪强和少数民族的军队,对成分如此复杂的军队曹操采取了多种管理措施,以亲信领兵,对一般将领则加强控制,对地方豪强和黄巾余部允许其保留一定独立,对少数族军队严厉防范。所有管理措施造成了显著的后果,谯沛军事集团的形成为曹丕代汉提供了实力保证,为控制士兵实行的错役制造成了士兵身份下降,对于北方各部族的利用和控制激化了民族矛盾。%Due to its gradual establishment during the long time of war, the formation of Caocao'army was quite complicated. It was composed of sic kinds: 1 ) Clan force; 2) Voluntary participants; 3 ) Forces merged gradually; 4) Remainders of Ydlow - Scarf rebels ; 5 ) Local landlord forces ; 6 ) Minority forces. Cao had three different ways to control his army : 1 ) Paying equal attention to taking use and guarding against policies towards other mil- itary commanders while his relatives and clan members took real control of the main forces; 2 ) Giving limited independence to both the remainders of Yellow - scarf rebels and the local landlord forces; 3 ) Taking strict control on the minority forces. The complexity of the army composition and variety of his management led to the following consequences : 1 ) The emerge of a strong Qiao - Pei military group; 2) Humble status of soldiers and the establishment Jun Hu Zhi Du ( the institution of family soldiers) ; 3 ) The intensified conflicts between different peoples.



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