首页> 中文期刊>江汉学术 >我国四大区域间文化产业发展评价分析--基于2011-2013年31个省(市)的基础数据




As a sunrise industry in the 21st century ,cultural industry has been booming in our country more than 10 years. In expanding consumption ,stimulating domestic demand ,adjusting the structure ,pro⁃moting growth ,it has played an increasingly important role. But due to the vast country ,many ethnic groups , different economy ,various culture ,the development of cultural industry in different regions is not balanced. Compared with other countries ,China ’s cultural industry is far lower than developed countries and some emerging market countries. And from 2011 to 2013 was an important period of the development of cultural in⁃dustries. Based on 2011-2013 data of 31 provinces(municipalities)of China ,with use of factor analysis ,we could build a certain model ,from a geographical perspective ,to analyze and evaluate the development of cul⁃tural industries of the four regions of eastern ,central ,western ,northeastern ,and find out the main differenc⁃es and reasons of that ,before we make recommendations accordingly.%文化产业作为21世纪的朝阳产业在国内已经蓬勃发展十余年,在扩大消费、拉动内需、调整结构、促进增长等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。但我国地域广阔,民族众多,经济发展各异,文化多种多样,所以文化产业在各地区的发展并不平衡。与其他国家相比,我国文化产业的发展远远低于发达国家和部分新兴市场国家。2011年至2013年是我国发展文化产业“十二五倍增计划”承上启下的一个重要时间段。基于2011—2013年我国内地31个省(市)的基础数据,运用因子分析,构建相应的模型,从地域的视角对我国东部、中部、西部、东北等四大区域的文化产业的发展进行分析评价,找出四个区域间文化产业发展的主要差异及形成的原因,并在此基础上提出相应的建议。



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