首页> 外文期刊>The International Journal of Educational Management >Analysis on inter-provincial disparities of China's rural education and convergence rate Empirical analysis on 31 provinces' (municipalities') panel data from 2001 to 2008

Analysis on inter-provincial disparities of China's rural education and convergence rate Empirical analysis on 31 provinces' (municipalities') panel data from 2001 to 2008


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Purpose - This article aims to analyze inter-provincial disparities of rural education and the convergence rate, and to discuss the effects of compulsory education reform after 2001. Design/methodology/approach - The article estimates the rural average education years and education Gini coefficients of China's 31 provinces (municipalities) beside Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan from 2001 to 2008, and applies the method of "economic convergence". Findings - The results show that after the reform of rural compulsory education, inter-provincial rural education disparities and educational equality have been significantly improved and trend to convergence; nevertheless the convergence rate on inter-provincial disparities of education equality declines. The defects of the education input system - "county as principle" - has been a factor that restricts the coordinated development of rural education. Practical limitations - This paper suggests that it is necessary for China's provincial and central government to afford the expense of compulsory education. China's present investment system would also worsen inter-provincial inequities of education. Social implications - Education equality is one of the basic social priorities. In China education equality has been improved; however it could be better if China's provincial and central government afforded the expenses of compulsory education. Originality/value - This paper applies the method of "economic convergence" to analyze China's rural education disparities among its regions.
机译:目的-本文旨在分析农村教育的省际差异和收敛速度,并讨论2001年以后义务教育改革的效果。设计/方法/方法-本文估算了农村平均教育年限和教育基尼系数。 2001年至2008年,中国除香港,澳门和台湾外的31个省(市)采用了“经济趋同”方法。调查结果-结果表明,农村义务教育改革之后,省际农村教育差距和教育平等得到了明显改善,并趋于趋同;但是,省际教育平等差距的趋同率下降。教育投入体系的缺陷-“县为原则”-已成为制约农村教育协调发展的因素。实际限制-本文认为,中国的省级和中央政府有必要负担义务教育的费用。中国目前的投资体系还将加剧省际教育之间的不平等。社会影响-教育平等是基本的社会优先事项之一。在中国,教育平等得到了改善。但是,如果中国的省级和中央政府负担义务教育的费用,那就更好了。原创性/价值-本文采用“经济融合”的方法来分析中国各地区之间的农村教育差距。



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