首页> 中文期刊>国际医药卫生导报 >临床护士职业暴露与标准预防的管理探讨



Objective To have a better understanding of current occupational exposure and ensuing damage to clinical nurses, and probe into effective management of occupational safety.Methods Retrospective analysis of 151 clinical nurses' occupational exposure in 2007 and 2008 via random questionnaires. Results Nursing staff had better awareness of occupational safety and much less occupational exposure occurred after education of standard prevention was intensified.Conclusions In view of high occupational exposure, we should intensify nurses' awarehess of occupational safety and training of occupational protection to achieve occupational safety and reduce occupational exposure as much as possible.%目的 了解临床护士的职业暴露现状,职业暴露的危害性因素对护士的影响,探讨职业安全管理的有效方法 .方法 对全院151名临床护士采用调查问卷随机抽样法,对2007年和2008年发生的职业暴露事件进行回顾性分析.结果 加强标准预防教育后,护理人员的职业安全意识明显提高,发生职业暴露事件明显减少.结论 临床护士职业暴露发生率高,应强化护理人员的职业安全意识,加强医护人员的职业防护培训,以促进职业安全,使职业暴露的发生率降至最低.



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