首页> 中文期刊>国际医药卫生导报 >基于个体的延续护理影响胃癌患者自我效能及生存质量的研究



目的 研究以个体为基础的延续性护理在胃癌患者术后的应用对其自我效能和生存质量的影响.方法 抽选出2013年12月至2015年12月我院收入院治疗的92例胃癌患者进行研究,根据随机数字表法按照1∶1的比例分为观察组和对照组.两组患者在住院期间均接受同样的护理干预,观察组出院后以个体为中心进行延续护理.随访3个月,比较两组的自我效能、生存质量、心理韧性评分以及治疗功能共性评分.结果 延续护理实施3个月后,观察组患者症状管理和疾病共性管理自我效能评分、总自我效能感明显优于对照组;心理韧性评分和生存质量评分显著升高;治疗功能共性评分指标:功能状况、情感状态、社会/家庭状况、生理状况评分均较对照组高,组间进行比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 基于个体的延续护理根据患者自身特点制定护理方案,更具有针对性,护理更贴近患者需求;同时显著提高患者自我效能,帮助提高出院后的生存质量,提高心理韧性,促进疗效,临床应用前景广阔.%Objective To study the effect of continuous nursing based on the individual on self efficacy and quality of life of patients with gastric cancer after operation.Methods 92 cases of gastric cancer treated in our hospital from December 2013 to December 2015 were chosen,and divided into observation group and control group according to the random number table method,46 cases in each group.Patients of two groups underwent the same nursing intervention during the hospitalization,and patients of observation group underwent continuous nursing based on the individual after hospital discharge,followed up for 3 months.Compared self efficacy,quality of life,mental toughness score,and treatment functional similarity score between two groups.Results After 3 months' continuous nursing,symptom management and common disease management self-efficacy scores,general self efficacy sense of observation group were obviously superior to the control group,mental toughness score and life quality score significantly increased,treatment functional similarity score indexes including functional status,emotional state,social / family status,physical status scores were higher than those of control group,with statistically significant differences between two groups (P<0.05).Conclusions Continuous nursing based on the individual is the formulation of nursing program according to patients' characteristics,more targeted,more close to the needs of patients,which can significantly improve patients' self-efficacy,quality of life after hospital discharge,mental toughness,and the curative effect,with very wide clinical prospect.



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