首页> 中文期刊> 《国际检验医学杂志》 >鉴别诊断胸腹腔积液的实验诊断项目的选择




Objective To explore the value of com bined detection of hom ocysteine(H CY), carcinoem bryonic antigen (CE A ), C-reactive protein(CRP) , β2-m icroglobulin(β2-M G ) and adenosine deam inase(ADA ) for differential diagnosis of splanchnocoele effu-sion .M ethods Contents of HCY , CEA , CRP, β2-M G and ADA were determ ined and com pared in 50 patients with malignant splanchnocoele effusion (malignant group), 40 patientswith tuberculous splanchnocoele effusion (tuberculosis group) and 40 pa-tients with inflamm atory splanchnocoele effusion (inflamm atory group) .Results The contents of H YC andCEA in m alignant group were significantly higher than in tuberculosis and inflam matory group(P<0.05),but that of CRP was obviously lower(P<0 .05), while those of β2-M G andADA w ere obviously lower than in tuberculosis group (P<0 .05) .Conclusion Com bined determ ination of HCY , CEA , CRP , β2-M G and ADA m ightbewith significant clinical significance for the differential diagnosis of splanchnocoele ef-fusion .%目的 探讨同型半胱氨酸(HCY)、癌胚抗原(CEA)、C-反应蛋白(CRP)、β2-微球蛋白(β2-MG)和腺苷脱氨酶(ADA)联合检测在胸腹腔积液诊断中的价值.方法 分别检测50例恶性胸腹腔积液(恶性组)、40例结核性胸腹腔积液(结核组)和40例感染性胸腹腔积液(炎症组)中HCY、CEA、CRP、β2-MG和ADA含量,并进行比对分析.结果 恶性组胸腹腔积液中HCY、CEA含量明显高于结核组和炎症组(P<0.05),CRP含量明显低于结核组和炎症组(P<0.05),β2-MG、ADA含量明显低于结核组(P<0.05).结论 联合检测胸腹腔积液中HCY、CEA、CRP、β2-MG和ADA含量在胸腹腔积液鉴别诊断中具有重要的临床实用价值.



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