首页> 中文期刊>国际流行病学传染病学杂志 >DNA疫苗免疫增强效应研究进展



DNA疫苗技术近年来迅速发展,但当被实际应用于人体试验时免疫原性不足仍是其最大的弱点.国内外科研工作者尝试了多种策略来解决这一问题,包括重组质粒载体的构建及编码抗原的基因优化,电穿孔疫苗免疫、接种方案优化、与能增强转染基因表达和疫苗诱导免疫的分子佐剂共免疫等.熟悉DNA疫苗的作用机制能更好地利用宿主天然免疫应答以增强疫苗的免疫原性.该综述总结了DNA疫苗免疫效应增强技术的新进展,以及这些进展对DNA疫苗未来发展方向可能产生的影响.%In recent years,DNA vaccine technologies have developed rapidly.Unfortunately,it shows inadequate immunogenicity when applying to human subjects.Many different strategies have been tested to solve this problem by scholars at home and abroad,including synthetic plasmid construction and their encoded antigen gene optimization,electroporation-mediated vaccine delivery,optimization of vaccination program as well as co-delivery with molecular adjuvants which collectively enhance both transgene expression and the elicitation of vaccine-induced immunity.Better understanding of the mechanisms of DNA vaccines has also enabled better use of the intrinsic host response to improve vaccine immunogenicity.The recent advances in DNA vaccine immunity enhancing technologies and their possible impact on future directions of DNA vaccine development are summarized in this article.



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