首页> 中文期刊>比较教育研究 >学科自信心与满意度r——中国比较教育学科成员的现状调查




对比较教育学科的研究应该包括至今受忽视的对比较教育学科成员的研究.为了解中国比较教育学科成员的工作现状和对比较教育的看法,本研究选取比较教育学分会第十七届年会的参会者进行了问卷调查.调查发现,超过82%的受调查者对比较教育的作用高度认可,超过72%的人对其未来发展表现出乐观主义的态度.不过,仅有39.5%的人对我国比较教育学界目前整体的研究现状感到满意.此外,比较教育学科成员的看法存在着群体差异.就对学科作用和发展前景的评价而言,博士生和教授群体是肯定的乐观主义者,而副教授群体则是保守的犹疑者.就国内学界整体的研究现状而言,教授群体中满意者比例最高,而副教授群体中满意者比例最低.%Research on the Comparative Education should include research on the members of Comparative Education, which is so far neglected. In order to learn the working conditions of members of Comparative Educa-tion in China as well as their opinions on the Comparative Education, the author did a questionnaire survey on the participants at the 17th Annual Meeting of The Chinese Comparative Education Society(CCES). The results show that more than 82%of respondents think highly of Comparative Education, over 72%of respondents are optimistic about the future development of comparative education. But, only 39.5% of respondents are satisfied with the overall research situation in Chinese Comparative Education. In addition, there are also differences in views be-tween the groups. As regards the role and prospect of the discipline, the groups of graduate students and professors are affirmative and optimistic, while the group of associate professors are rather reserved and doubtful. As far as the research situation of comparative education is concerned in China, the proportion with satisfaction is highest a-mong the group of professors, whereas it is the lowest among the associate professor.



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