首页> 中文期刊> 《知识产权》 >作品改编权保护的历史之维




改编权是一项重要的著作财产权,改编行为是最典型的作品演绎方式.在印刷技术发展早期并未形成独立的改编权概念,改编权的雏形多以禁例形式内化于复制权当中.伴随着科技的不断发展和社会的进步,改编权逐渐从复制权中解放出来,成为《伯尔尼公约》中类型化不断发展的一项独立权利.作品改编在中国经历了由合理模仿到侵害著作权的演化过程.改编权保护的推动因素来自于产业发展的诉求,既反映出作品派生市场和新产业的成长发展轨迹,又是著作权超越复制,转向规范类型化之作品利用方式的体系化进程.%Adaptation right is an important property right in copyright regime. Adaption is the most typical behavior of work interpretation. In the early period of printing technology, there is no independent concept of adaptation right. The early form of adaptation right, mainly in the form of prohibitive stipulations, exists inherently in the reproduction right. With the social and technological development, the adaptation right is gradually separated from reproduction right, becoming an independent right of its own category. In China, the behavior of adapting works has undergone an evolving course from fair imitation to copyright infringement. The driving force for protecting adaptation right comes from industry demands. It reflects both the growth of the derivative work market and the systematic evolvement of copyright from reproduction into normative and typed usage of works.



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