首页> 中文期刊> 《仪表技术与传感器》 >宽测量间距巨磁阻齿轮转速传感器的研制




文中设计了一种宽测量间距齿轮转速传感器.所研制的齿轮转速传感器选用巨磁阻芯片作为敏感元件,永磁体提供偏置磁场,通过信号处理电路采集齿轮转动过程中所产生的磁场扰动信号实现齿轮转速的测量.采用有限元磁场仿真软件Ansoft Maxwell仿真了该齿轮转速传感器工作时,巨磁阻敏感芯片周围的磁场分布及变化情况,并通过实验验证了仿真数据的正确性.所研制的齿轮转速传感器不仅具有频率性能好,灵敏度高,体积小等优点,测量间距可超过4 mm,解决了传统转速传感器测量间距小的问题.%This paper designed a GMR-based gear sensor. The sensor included three parts,a GMR (giant magneto-resistance) sensor element,a magnet placed behind the sensor,and a circuit for processing the sensor output,which was a reflection of the magnetic field signals generated from the gear rotation. Ansoft Maxwell software was used to simulate and analyze the magnetic field signals generated on the GMR sensor element by the gear rotation, and then the experiments were carried out to confirm that the sensor output was in agreement with the simulated results. The GMR-based gear sensor has excellent characters of wide bandwidth, high sensitivity,small size,and can realize measurement of the rotation speed with the air gap more than 4 mm. The GMR-based gear sensor is an ideal replacement for the traditional gear speed sensors, which have to be placed closely to the gear.



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