首页> 中文期刊>工业水处理 >某玻璃企业污水处理及再生回用工程




将某玻璃企业的生产废水及办公楼、浴室的生活污水进行混合,收集处理后全部回用,处理工艺采用水解酸化—曝气生物滤池—超滤组合工艺。运行结果表明,出水水质可满足《工业循环冷却水处理设计规范》(GB 50050—2007)中规定的再生水作为间冷开式系统补充水的水质指标要求,以及《城市污水再生利用城市杂用水水质》(GB/T 18920—2002)中城市绿化、道路清扫和冲厕的水质指标要求,实现了厂区污水零排放,年减少COD排放量12.41 t,年节水1.44×105 m3,实现了环境效益和经济效益的双羸。%After the plant wastewater an d domestic sewage from bathroom and office in a glass company have been mixed and collected,they can all be reused. The treatment process is hydrolytic acidification-BAF-ultrafiltration. The results show that the effluent quality can meet the requirements for the water quality indexes of the treatment and design of reclaimed water as make-up water of indirect cooling and open system ,stipulated for the Code for Design of Industrial Recirculating Cooling Water Treatment (GB 50050—2007),and the effluent quality can meet the requirements for urban greening,road sweeping and toilet flushing specified in the Reuse of Urban Recycling Water:Water Quality Standard for Urban Miscellaneous Water Consumption(GB/T 18920—2002),realizing the zero discharge of wastewater around the plant. COD discharge quantity can be reduced by 12.41 t/a ,saving 1.44 ×105 m3 of water per year,and realizing an environmental and economic benefit win-win situation.



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