首页> 中文期刊>工业工程 >高等学校工业工程本科专业类课程体系模型框架




A framework model of curriculum guidelines for undergraduate degree program in industrial en-gineering in colleges and universities in line with the needs of China′s national economic development is tentatively set up. This model can provide theoretical guidance for constructing curriculum of Industrial En-gineering. Effect factor for constructing curriculum of undergraduate degree program in industrial engineer-ing are studied by reference analysis, upon which a framework model of the construction of the curriculum of industrial engineering specialty is put forward. The factors that need to be considered are also consid-ered, and the use of the model is explained in detail by taking the construction of the curriculum of Indus-trial Engineering undergraduate course in Jilin University as an example. It is claimed that the construction of curriculum is a systematic project and it is no good to copy and induce one from Europe and America in China. The curriculum should satisfy the need of China′s national economic development and agree with China′s industrialization tracing and social pattern.%本文旨在构建符合中国国民经济发展需要的高等学校工业工程本科专业类课程体系模型,为工业工程本科专业课程体系的建设提供理论指导.使用文献研究的方法,研究了高等学校工业工程本科专业课程体系构建的影响因素.在此基础上,提出了符合工业工程专业课程体系构建框架模型,并以吉林大学工业工程本科专业课程体系的建设为例详细解读了该模型的使用方法,需要考虑的因素.研究指出:课程体系建设是一项系统工程,在建设过程中不应盲目拷贝欧美发达国家的课程体系,而应从中国国民经济发展的需要出发构建适合中国工业化进程与社会形态发展的工业工程本科专业课程体系.



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