首页> 中文期刊> 《产经评论》 >地区差异、人口密度与财险市场集中度




The characteristic of natural monopoly is embodied in insurance industry. If all the require-ments in our society have been guaranteed,it will be beneficial to improve the social welfare,to do the re-search about the influence of regional difference,population density and other factors on the concentration of property insurance market,and to decrease the concentration of property insurance market as far as possible. There is obvious heterogeneity in the developmental pattern of different district in China and there is according-ly difference among these property insurance markets. This paper utilizes panel quantile regression model to analyze whether population density has significant impact on market concentration of property insurance. In practice,the market share of three or five largest insurance companies and the quadratic sum of the market share of all insurance companies,namely,CR3,CR5 and HHI are the main indicators,which depicts the concentration of property insurance market. This article takes CR3,CR5 and HHI as dependent variable,uti-lizes population density as independent variable and panel quantile regression results show the population den-sity has significant negative impact on concentration of property insurance market. Empirical analysis illustrate that the influence on CR3,CR5 and HHI is decreasing gradually. Compare to the small companies,to in-crease the population density could decrease the market share of large companies more efficiently.%保险业具有自然垄断特征,而在社会所需的各种保障得到基本满足的前提下,充分考虑地区差异、人口密度等因素与财险市场的关系,尽可能地降低市场集中度,有利于增进社会福利。在新型城镇化和人口布局不断调整的背景下,各地人口逐渐增长并向中小城市聚集,这将直接影响财险市场上的竞争程度。利用面板分位数模型考察2009-2012年中国30个省(市、自治区)人口密度变化对财险市场集中度的影响,发现人口密度对财险市场集中度有显著的负向影响。以规模最大的3个财险公司的市场份额之和(CR3)、规模最大的5个财险公司的市场份额之和(CR5)和市场中所有财险公司的市场份额平方和(HHI)作为衡量财险市场集中度的因变量建模,所得结论均一致。人口密度对 CR3、CR5和 HHI 的影响随分位点的增加而逐渐减小,这意味着提升人口密度更能有效地降低市场占有度大的财险公司的市场份额。



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