首页> 中文期刊> 《湖北农业科学》 >历史上羊楼洞茶业盛衰表象及原因分析




羊楼洞茶业起于唐,盛于宋,清末民初达到鼎盛,之后逐步衰落.茶区得天独厚的自然环境和区位优势为茶业发展提供了物质基础,随着全面饮茶之风的兴起,茶叶市场需求逐渐旺盛,加之宗教的影响,羊楼洞茶业蓬勃发展,主要表现在茶区扩大、名茶发展、茶政变迁、贸易兴起、出口扩张5个方面;但是随着政局动荡、外茶冲击、自身墨守陈规以及竞争上种种不利因素的影响,而逐渐走向衰落,主要表现在茶号衰落、茶园面积和贸易量下滑2个方面.%Yangloudong tea industry originated in Tang Dynasty, developed well since Song Dynasty, reached its peak in the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic, then gradually declined. The unique natural environment and geographical superiority provided a material base for the development of the local tea industry. With the overall rise of tea drinking and the influence of religion, market demands for tea increased strongly and the tea industry in Yangloudong grew vigorously. The prosperity could be seen from the expansion of tea area, development of famous tea, change of tea policy, rise of tea trade and expansion of exportation. However, unfavorable factors including political turmoil, impact of foreign tea, shortcomings of its own as well as the disadvantage in competition led to the gradual decline of Yangloudong tea industry whch was mainly showed in the fading of the tea business and glide of tea garden areas and export volume.



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