首页> 中文期刊> 《华中建筑》 >土地制度改革视角下的艺术村规划研究




随着城市扩张的加速与农村经济的发展,艺术村的产业发展受到诸多土地问题的制约.该文从农村集体土地制度对艺术村规划建设影响的角度,分析艺术村发展中面临的住宅产权归属复杂、土地使用权流转困难及土地规划管理滞后等问题,进而探索土地制度改革视角下的艺术村规划策略:确定艺术产业土地权属,明晰权能,引导艺术村落合理用地;整理闲置土地统一流转,集约用地,加快艺术服务设施建设;科学配置土地空间布局,合理分区,保护原生艺术村环境等,以促进艺术村的合理规划与健康发展.%With the expansion of cities and rural economic development; industry development of art village is faced with lots of land issues. Standing on the point of the impact of rural land system on art village planning and construction; this paper analyzes the restraint of the collective land system on the development of art village and besetting with the following problems: the uncleamess of housing property right; the unsmooth circulation of the land and lagging of planning management etc. Furthermore it explores art village planning strategies in the view of land system reform; including defining property right ownership of industrial land and its power; guiding optimal land use of art village; consolidating untenanted land to transfer unified and intensive utilizing of land to accelerate construction of art service facilities; scientific disposing spatial distribution and reasonable zoning; in order to protect primary environment of art village and promote reasonable planning and the sound development of art village.



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