首页> 中文期刊>华中建筑 >论名人故居的人文价值与保护原则——以北京名人故居为例




名人故居是一个城市独特的文化基因和人文积淀的重要载体.对名人故居价值及保护利用原则的正确认知,既关系着一个城市名人故居的当代命运,又关系着城市文化血脉的延续问题.名人故居的人文价值主要体现在它是城市文化厚重感的独特标志、是地域文化情调的重要魅力之源以及用精神影响后人的无言教化者.在借鉴欧洲城市保护利用名人故居方面带有普遍意义的成功经验的基础上,保护与利用好名人故居,应坚持三个基本原则,即确立城市规划必须有利于建筑遗产保护的原则、原真性原则和整体性保护原则.%The former residences of celebrities are an important carrier of a city's unique culture and cultural atmosphere. The right knowledge on former celebrity residences' vatue and protection principle of the use, is either related to the former celebrily residences' fate of a city,or relates to urban culture's continuation of literary tradition. Former celebrily residences' humaristic value lies in its thick sense of a city's unique culture, the symbol of a major regional cultural atmosphere and siltent enlightenment on the sprit of future generations. Drawing on the succesful experience of European urban conservation and utilization of farmer celebrity residences. this aeticle points out that we should adhere to three basic principles on the protection and making good use of former celebrity residences, that is, urban planning must be conductive to the principle of architectural heritage, the principle of authenticty and principles of integrity protection.



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