首页> 中文期刊> 《解放军医院管理杂志》 >医务人员职业价值观理论框架设计




目的:通过对医务员工职业价值观影响因素,及其与其他变量关系的研究,结合我国医务员工自身特点,初步构建我国医务员工职业价值观理论框架。方法运用文献检索对国内外职业价值观的文献进行回顾与梳理,结合专家访谈,构建医务员工职业价值观理论框架。结果个人因素、组织因素、环境因素对医务员工职业价值观产生不同程度影响;组织承诺、工作满意度、离职倾向和工作绩效对医务员工职业价值观有影响。结论进一步树立医务员工健康的职业价值观,增加个人价值观与医院价值观匹配度,能有效提高组织承诺,消除不满,促进工作绩效提升。%Objective To establish a theoretical frame of the occupational values of medical staffs in Chi-na according to their characteristics .Methods Literature review and expert interview method were applied to con-struct the theoretical framework of medical staff occupational values .Results Personal factors , organizational fac-tors, environmental factors have different influence on the occupational values of medical staffs .Organizational commitment, job satisfaction, turnover intention and job performance have an effect on the professional values of medical staffs.Conclusion Setting up the occupational values of medical staff's health, and increasing the matc-hing degree between personal values and hospital values , could effectively improve organizational commitment , eliminate dissatisfaction , and promote the improvement of job performance .



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