首页> 中文期刊> 《解放军医院管理杂志》 >缩短中心患者接待时间的院前检查




目的:探讨缩短患者在院前检查中心接待时间的品管圈实践的效果。方法组建品管圈小组,通过品管圈的步骤及方法,对影响患者在院前检查中心接待时间的关键问题进行分析,制定目标和对策,对策实施后进行效果评价。结果使用品管圈有效缩短院前患者的接待时间,使院前患者接待时间由原先的99.5分钟缩短为64分钟,同时提高圈员的工作能力和管理意识。结论应用品管圈可制定规范且有效的院前患者服务流程,缩短院前患者在院前检查中心接待的时间,提高团队的协作精神及工作积极性。%Objective To explore the effectiveness of the practice of quality control circle that shortens re-ception time for patients in the pre -hospitalization examination center .Methods Establish quality control circle group , analyze key issues that affect reception time in the pre -hospitalization examination center through proce-dures and methods of the quality control circle , set goals and countermeasures , and evaluate the effectiveness after the implementation of the measures .Results The application of quality control circle has effectively shortened re-ception time for the pre-hospitalization patients , with the reception time shortened from 99 .5 minutes previously to 64 minutes , and at the same time , improved the circle members'working ability and management awareness .Con-clusion The application of quality control circle can establish a standardized and effective process of pre -hospi-talization patient service , shorten the reception time for patients in the pre -hospitalization examination center , and improve the staff's team spirit and work enthusiasm .



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