首页> 中文期刊>安徽史学 >雍正、乾隆朝引见绿营武官分析




Based on the creation of biographical archives on the green battalions military officials during the Yongzheng and Qianlong period,this paper analyze origin,ethnicity and other factors during this period and compare changes of the green battalions military officials.The analysis reveals the banner especially the Manchu in terms of the election official privilege is more obvious in the Qianlong.A sharp rise in the proportion of their tenure,a great increase in their serving levels,many of the Manchu serve in strategic locations.Shanxi and Gansu officials rely on merit to share official election privilege;Fujian officials also do this based on the Navy.Increasing proportion on the promotion through experiences,promotion through experiences pro-motion through experiences capital through proportional serving,loose avoiding membership system and increasing age,military officials start to follow the trend.By analysis on sending troops record,the ratio of send troops to the northwest,southwest and Taiwan can be estimated in this period.%文章依据雍正、乾隆朝引见绿营武官的履历档案,分析了这一时期绿营武官的籍贯、民族等问题,并比较雍正、乾隆两朝的变化特点。揭示了旗人特别是满人的选官特权在乾隆朝更明显,任职比例大幅攀升,任职层级提高,且多在战略要地任职。陕甘籍官员以功绩、福建籍官员以水师技能也分享了选官特权。乾隆朝武官人事渐显因循化趋势,循资任职比例增多,避籍制度宽松、年龄增大。通过对出兵记录的分析,估算了这一时期出兵西北、西南和台湾的比例。



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