首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽史学》 >大跃进时期基层干群冲突及司法介入研究--以肥西县“方世新案”为中心




“方世新案”是大跃进与人民公社化时期安徽省肥西县发生的比较典型的因干群矛盾与冲突升级而导致的“凶杀”案。该案最终被定性为反党、反社会主义的反革命案件。官方处理此类案件,审判程序极为简化,即根据《中华人民共和国惩治反革命条例》作出判决。就审判过程而言,加强党的集中领导与管控、贯彻群众路线及考虑案犯罪恶的历史与现行关系,是大跃进与人民公社化时期中共最为重要的司法实践逻辑。这种逻辑也对应体现了这个时期司法发展历程的3个面向,即:司法政党化、司法群众化及司法革命化。但这3个方面的实践,最终将难免矮化司法的独立性、专属性及程序化,即会产生“秩序”,也会导致“失序”。该项研究为探访大跃进时期基层干群冲突及司法介入问题提供一个基层个案与视角。%“Fang Shi-xin Case” was a typical“murder” case caused by the escalation of contradictions and conflicts be-tween the masses and the cadres during the Great Leap Forward and the People’ s Commune in Feixi County,Anhui Province. It was eventually defined as anti-party,anti-socialist counterrevolutionary case. Because of the characterization,the official department made a verdict in a simplified trial procedure in accordance with the “Regulations of Suppressing Counterrevolu-tionaries of PRC”. In the trial process, the strengthening of the Party’ s centralized leadership and control, implementing the mass line and considering the perpetrators’ history of their evils and the existing relationship was the most important judicial practice logic during the Great Leap Forward and the People’ s Commune period. This logic was also reflected by three orienta-tions in the corresponding development process of justice in the Period of the Great Leap Forward:the party-oriented justice, the masses-oriented justice and the revolutionized judicial system. But these practices would eventually dwarf the independ-ence,specificity and procedures of justice,which not only produced“order”,but also“disorder”. The article provides the grass-roots’ case and perspective to research the conflicts between the grassroots and the cadres and the involvement of justice in the period of the Great Leap Forward.



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