首页> 中文期刊> 《高教论坛》 >如何在大学经济学教育中贯彻道德教育




基于经济学教育中道德教育缺失的现实,基于道德在经济运行中的作用机理,分析了经济学课程中融入道德教育的迫切性和重要性。结合在《资本论》选读、西方经济学、新制度经济学和发展经济学等课程中对道德问题的讲解,探讨如何在教授经济学知识的过程中,将对道德作用的理解嵌入其中,说明遵守道德规范是利己利人的,既有利于社会经济的发展,也有利于自身利益的实现。提出应该在大学经济学教育中端正学生对道德的认识和培养学生的道德感,提高学生综合素质。%First ,Based on the lack of moral education in economic education and the mechanism of morality in economic opera ‐tion ,this paper analyses the importance and urgency of moral education into the curriculum in economics .Then this paper ex‐plains how to make the combination of moral issues in the courses of “Das Kapital” Readings ,Western Economics ,New Institu‐tional Economics and Development Economics ,how to tell students that complying with the code of ethicsis not only conducive to the development of social economy ,but also to realize their own interests .At last this paper explores how to correct the students’ understand about moral in economic operation and cultivate thesense of morality of students in order to improve the comprehensive quality of students .



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