首页> 中文期刊> 《河南科学》 >白龟山水库湿地生态系统草本植物多样性空间变化规律探究




以河南平顶山白龟山水库湿地生态系统为研究对象,选取16个样地,每个样地取7个样点,采集湿地草本植物群落,并对数据进行整理和分析。最终得出如下结论:纵向(从上游到下游)空间分布状况下,库区湿地草本植物多样性变化规律为从上游到下游草本植物多样性呈递增趋势;横向(从水域到陆地)空间分布状况下,湿地草本植物多样性变化规律为近湖岸草本植物群落较矮,草本植物多样性较为丰富,远湖岸草本植物群落最矮,草本植物多样性较少,仅有中湖岸草本植物群落较高,长势较好,草本植物多样性最为丰富。因此,从近湖岸到远湖岸湿地草本植物多样性呈先递增再递减的趋势。%Taking the wetland ecosystem on Baiguishan reservoir located in Pingdingshan,Henan Province,as the research object,we selected 16 samples and took seven sampling points of each sample to collect wetland plant communities,then settled and analyzed the data. The conclusions showed as follows. For longitudinal distribution (from upstream to downstream),the variation of the reservoir wetland plant is that the diversity of wetland herbaceous plants from upstream to downstream shows a trend of increasing. For horizontal distribution(from water to land),the herbaceous plant communities near the shore are short relatively while the diversity is rich. Plant communities far from the shore are the shortest and the herbaceous plant diversity is less. Only in the lakeshore ,herbaceous plant communities are higher,grow better,and the herbaceous plant diversity is the most abundant as well. Therefore,we can know that from the near shore to the far shore,the variation of the wetland herbs shows a trend of increase at first and then decrease.



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