首页> 中文期刊> 《海南医学》 >肝脏少见肿瘤的CT表现




Objective To improve the CT diagnostic level of uncommon hepatic tumor. Methods CT scan was performed in 5 cases with pathologically proved uncommon tumor of the liver. A11 5 cases were performed CT and enhanced conspicuous after injection of contrastmedia Omnipaque 300 mgI/ ml. Results These uncommon tumor of the liver had a variety of presentations. 1 case with perivascular epithelioid cell tumor demonstrated as hypodensity on CT and enhanced conspicuous after injection of contrastmedia, the tumor cystic wall did not enhanced. 2 cases of hepatic angiosarcoma demonstrated as well-defined hypoattenuation lesions without cirrhosis. 1 case of malignant fibrous histiocytoma displayed as a single large hypoattenuation lesion within hyperdense septations and pseudocapsule, hepatic artery displayed winding, dilatation within enhanced scanning. 1 case of adult mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver demonstrated as large tumor with cystic degeneration. Conclusion Uncommon hepatic tumors with different pathologic nature have different CT findings, and sometimes with some similar signs. Typical CT findings,coupled with clinical information may lead to a correct diagnosis.%目的 分析5例不同组织类型的肝脏少见肿瘤的CT表现,以提高对这些肿瘤的识别能力.方法 经病理证实的肝脏少见肿瘤5例,均行CT平扫和对比增强检查,所用对比剂为欧乃派克300 mgI/ml.结果 肝脏血管周上皮样细胞瘤1例,平扫呈低密度,增强扫描动脉期病灶明显强化,静脉期持续强化,延迟扫描呈等密度;血管肉瘤2例,为肝内境界清楚的低密度灶;恶性纤维组织细胞瘤1例,为肝右叶单发巨块低密度病灶,伴纤维分隔及假包膜,增强扫描可见迂回扩张的肝动脉;成人肝间叶性错构瘤1例,肝内巨大肿块内含多个小囊性灶.结论 本组5例肝脏少见肿瘤,不同病理类型的肿瘤有其相似和不同的CT征象,结合临床及实验室检查可进一步判断肿瘤的性质.



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