首页> 中文期刊> 《海南医学》 >奈必洛尔治疗高血压的研究进展




Hypertension, one of the most common diseases, is a risk factor that seriously damage the health of people. It is anticipated that in the year of 2020, hypertension will become the main public health problem. There-fore, it is vital to keep the blood pressure in the normal range. Nebivolol, a third-generationβ-blocker, has been recom-mended to treat hypertension because of its efficacy in the treatment of hypertension, no influence in the metabolic of blood sugar and lipid, less occurrence of adverse reactions, unique vasodilator properties, and highly selectivity of theβ1 receptor. Up to now, there are many studies about the effectiveness and tolerability of Nebivolol in the treatment of hypertension. This review is going to summarize the research progress in the field.%高血压(Hypertension)是严重损害人类健康的危险因素,是导致患者就诊的常见原因,预计至2020年,它将成为人类主要的公共健康问题,因此,将血压控制在正常范围内至关重要。奈必洛尔是第三代β受体阻滞剂,因其降压效果好,不影响血糖、血脂代谢,不良反应少,独特的扩张血管作用,以及高度的β1受体选择性,被推荐用于高血压的治疗。目前,国内外对其治疗高血压有效性及安全性做了很多的研究,本文就其在高血压的治疗方面应用的研究进展加以综述。



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