首页> 中文期刊> 《海南医学》 >海南省居民高血压患病率及其患者管理指标分析




Objective To understand the status about hypertension prevalence and its management indicators, so as to provide scientific policy and measures for hypertension prevention and control. Methods The field investiga-tion of Chinese chronic non-communicable diseases and their risk factors at 8 national monitoring sites in Hainan Prov-ince was performed from 2013 to 2014. The hypertension prevalence, and the rate of hypertension awareness, treatment rate, blood pressure (BP) control of residents 18 years old and over, and the rate of hypertension management of resident over 35 years old were calculated and analyzed. Results A total of 4639 residents were investigated with the average age of (50.08 ± 13.88). The crude and weighting hypertension prevalence of residents 18 years old and over were 24.7%and 18.1%, respectively;the rate of hypertension awareness, treatment rate and BP control were 36.7%, 21.8%, 28.9%, respectively. The rate of hypertension management of residents over 35 years old was 34.6%. Conclusion The hyper-tension prevalence of residents aged above 18 years old and over has been higher than previous years in Hainan prov-ince, and the rate of hypertension awareness, rate of management, treatment rate and BP control were low, therefore, hy-pertension prevention and control should be strengthened.%目的 了解海南省居民高血压患病率及患者管理指标情况,为制定相应的防控措施提供科学依据.方法 于2013-2014年在海南省8个国家级慢危监测点开展中国慢性病及其危险因素监测现场调查,统计分析本省18岁及以上居民高血压患病率、知晓率、治疗率、血压控制率和35岁以上居民高血压管理率.结果 共调查4639人,平均年龄(50.08±13.88)岁,18岁以上居民高血压粗患病率为24.7%,加权后的患病率为18.1%,高血压的知晓率、治疗率和血压控制率分别为36.7%、21.8%、28.9%,35岁以上居民的高血压管理率为34.6%.结论 海南省18岁以上居民高血压患病率较往年有所上升,而知晓率、35岁以上居民管理率、治疗率及血压控制率均较低,高血压防治工作亟待加强.



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