首页> 中文期刊>广州化工 >基于项目-案例法的环境工程硕士课程教学改革∗




根据环境工程硕士研究生专业人才培养方案中的目标和要求,运用项目-案例教学模式,构建专业课程的理论知识和实践技能教学新体系,提出了教学设计和教学实施的方案。将项目-案例教学改革方案应用于课程教学中,通过教学设计和实施两个阶段来完成教学过程;教学改革的实践证明,任务驱动教学模式能激发学生主动学习的积极性,提高学生实际应用能力和创新能力,使学生具备良好的综合素质,符合我国本科教育应用型人才的培养目标。为高校环境工程硕士研究生人才培养方式的改革提供参考。%Based on project-case teaching method, according to the object and request of talent training of MEE, the teaching plan of specialized course of MEE was proposed, and a new teaching system with theoretical and practice teaching was constructed. Two steps were required, plan of task and its practice, when the task driven teaching pattern was applied in the course. The result of this teaching reform showed that this pattern will stimulate students’ initiatives of learning, enhance their practical and creative abilities, help them gain favorable comprehensive qualities, and cultivate them to become talents accordance with the goal of our national education. It was hoped to provide colleges with the references to the teaching system construction of MEE.



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