首页> 中文期刊> 《广西医学》 >朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症骨骼外影像学探讨




Objective To investigate diagnostic imaging features of LCH infiltrations except for bone.Methods Retrospective analysis of X-ray and CT features of LCH infiltrations except for bone in 10 patients proven by pathology. Results ( 1 )Pulmonary infiltration 10 cases: exudative consolidation in 3 cases, multiple nodules in 2 cases ,fibrous cord in 1 case, the cavity combined with pneumothorax in 2 case. ( 2 )Enlargement of lymph nodes 3 cases : all are multiple development , 1 case occurred in bilateral cervical , hilar , mediastinal , not associated with pulmonary infiltration ,1 case occurred in the para-aortic , mesenteric root ,hepatic portal area,with lung infiltration , and 1 case occurred in bilateral cervical. ( 3 )1 case of hepatosplenomegaly , and infiltration of the lungs ,but no lymph nodes. Conclusion LCH infiltrations except for bone mainly occurred in the lungs ,X-ray and CT features included exudative consolidation,multiple nodules and fibrous cord changes, also as lung fibrosis and lung bullae formation associated with pneumothorax; rarely occurred in the lymph nodes, often multiple, manifesting in the neck, axillary, hilar and mediastinum, liver and stomach recess ,para-aortic ,mesenteric ,near iliac blood vessels on both sides with multiple enlarged lymph nodes.%目的 探讨朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症(LCH)骨骼外浸润的影像学特点.方法 经病理证实为LCH的患者10例,回顾性分析骨骼外浸润的影像学特点.结果 (1)肺部浸润8例:渗出实变3例,多发结节2例,纤维条索1例,空腔2例.(2)淋巴结肿大3例:均为多发,1例发生于双侧颈部、肺门、纵隔,不伴有肺部浸润;1例发生在腹主动脉旁、肠系膜根部、肝门区,伴肺部有浸润;1例为双侧颈部淋巴结肿大.(3)肝脾大1例,同时浸润肺部,但无淋巴结肿大.结论 LCH骨骼外浸润病变主要发生在肺部,主要表现为渗出实变、多发结节及纤维条索改变,亦可为双肺空腔合并感染或纤维化;发生在淋巴结较少见,均为多发,表现为颈部、腋窝、肺门及纵隔、肝胃隐窝、腹主动脉旁、小肠系膜、两侧髂血管旁多发淋巴结肿大.



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