首页> 中文期刊>广东园林 >我国建立国家公园体系的问题与路径初探




A proposal in the third plenary session of 18 is "setting up the system of national park". During this process, it is necessary to define the concept of the national park system and the relationship between the national park and the existing protected area of China,. Then this paper analyzes the main problems of establishing the national park:department fragmentation because of the sub-sector management system, the conflicts between protection and development, overlapping of conservation areas, serious fragmentations, lack of public welfare; and also propose the solutions of the above problems: suggestions for the management system, integrating resources to construct the pilot, implementing“one law in one garden”, setting up ecological compensation system, exploring the ownership of the land resources and setting up the franchise system.%中国共产党十八届三中全会明确提出“建立国家公园体制”。在此过程中,需要明确国家公园体系的概念以及与我国现有保护地的关系,以此为基础分析我国建立国家公园存在分部门管理体制导致部门分割、保护与发展的矛盾、保护地范围交叉重叠、碎片化严重、缺乏公益性等主要问题;并提出解决路径:对管理体制方面的建议,整合资源进行试点建设,实行“一园一法”,建立生态补偿制度,探索土地资源权属以及建立特许经营制度。



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