首页> 中文期刊>复旦学报(医学版) >2014-2016年上海市闵行区病毒性腹泻病病原学监测研究




Objective To investigate the epidemiological and pathogenic characteristics of viral diarrhea in Minhang District of Shanghai.Methods Random sampling on diarrhea was conducted in intestinal outpatient departments of 2 sentinel hospitals according to a certain sampling interval in Minhang District from 2014 to 2016.Real-time PCR was used to detect rotavirus (RV),norovirus (NV),adenovirus (AD),astrovirus (AstV) and sapovirus (SaV) in fecal samples.Results A total of 11 243 cases of diarrhea were monitored in 2 sentinel hospitals during 2014 and 2016,with 3 213,3 600 and 4 430 cases for each year,respectively.Out of 809 stool specimens,309 were tested positively,and the positive rate was 38.48%.All 5 pathogenic viruses were detected,mostly NV (207 cases,66.99%)followed by RV (77 cases,24.92%).Conclusions NV accounted for the majority of reported infection diarrhea cases in Minhang District of Shanghai from 2014 to 2016,with significant seasonal peaks.Tailored prevention and control measures should be carried out,particularly in risk seasons.%目的 了解上海市闵行区病毒性腹泻病流行特征和病原谱分布,为制定防控措施提供科学依据.方法 按一定的抽样间隔随机选取2014-2016年闵行区2家监测点医院肠道门诊的腹泻病病例开展调查采样,同时用real-time PCR方法对采集的粪便标本进行轮状病毒(rotavirus,RV)、诺如病毒(norovirus,NV)、肠道腺病毒(adenovirus,AD)、星状病毒(astrovirus,AstV)、札如病毒(sapovirus,SaV)检测.结果 两家医院共监测到腹泻病病例11 243例,2014-2016年分别为3 213、3 600和4 430例.803例病例的粪便标本开展病毒检测,其中309例检出阳性,检出率为38.48%;RV、NV、AD、AstV及SaV均有检出,以NV为主(207例,66.99%),其次为RV(77例,24.92%).结论 2014 2016年上海市闵行区病毒性腹泻病感染病原以NV为主,季节高峰较为明显,应在流行季节开展针对性防治措施.



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