首页> 中文期刊> 《复旦教育论坛》 >改良客观结构化临床考试在本科毕业考试中的应用效果研究




To study the effectiveness of the application of modified objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) in the graduation examination in clinical medicine, the reliability, validity, difficulty and discrimination of OSCE are analyzed by gathering scores of graduation examination for undergraduates majored in clinical medicine . Questionnaire is used to get the opinions on the OSCE from examinees. It is found that the internal consistency reliability coefficient is 0.671 and the Pearson correlation coefficient between the OSCE and the theory test is 0.561 (P=0.000). The overall difficulty and discrimination are 0.81 and 0.21 separately. 71.43 percent of students maintain that OSCE could reflect the level of their clinical skills objectively and comprehensively. Therefore, the modified OSCE results are reliable and effective, which can be used for the evaluation of students' clinical skills in college graduation examination.%为检验改良客观结构化临床考试(OSCE)在临床医学专业本科毕业考试中应用的有效性,本研究通过统计北京大学医学部临床医学专业本科毕业考试成绩,分析OSCE信度、效度、难易度及区分度;通过调查问卷了解考生对OSCE的认可程度. 结果表明:本次OSCE内部一致性信度系数为0.671,与专业理论考试成绩的相关系数为0.561(P=0.000),总体难度0.81,区分度0.21;71.43%的学生认为OSCE能客观全面地反映自身的临床技能水平. 因此,改良OSCE考核结果可靠、有效,可用于本科毕业考试中对学生临床基本技能的评估.



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