首页> 中文期刊> 《淡水渔业》 >黄河干流陕西段鱼类种类组成及群落多样性




为了解黄河陕西段鱼类种类组成及群落结构,2013-2015年调查了黄河陕西段鱼类资源。结果显示:黄河陕西段有鱼类7目15科58种,其中鲤科鱼类最多为36种,占总种类数的61.1%,较20世纪80年代减少了6种。优势种有4种,数量占渔获物总数量50.3%,生物量占65.8%。分析渔获物组成和群落多样性,黄河陕西段鱼类年龄、个体规格小型化趋势明显,不同河段鱼类群落存在明显空间差异,府谷段多样性指数最高,群落结构稳定,港口段丰富度指数最高,资源种类较多,港口和壶口的鱼类群落结构没有相似性。%In order to understand the fish species composition and community structure in Shaanxi section of the Yellow riv-er, fishery resources were investigated in this section from 2013 to 2015. A total of 58 species of fish(7 orders, 15 fami-lies)were collected during the investigation. The fish fauna was mainly comprised of Cypriniformes, which were 36 species, accounted for 61. 1% of the total number of species. The number of species reduced six compared with the 1980s. The dominant species were 4, accounted for 50. 3% of the total number of catches and 65. 8% of the total biomass. The age and size of fish in this section become distinct miniaturization through analyzing the species composition and community diversi-ty, and there were obvious space differences between fish communities in different reaches. The diversity index of Fugu sec-tion was the highest and the community structure remained stable, but the richness index of Gangkou section was the highest and in which there were kinds of resources. The fish community structure has no similarity in Gangkou and Hukou section.



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