首页> 中文期刊>火力与指挥控制 >舰空导弹反导作战拦截次数的建模与仿真




According to the different interception style of ship-to-air missiles, the model of anti-missile interception for the ship-to-air missile is constructed under circumstances of self-interception and cooperative-interception. Then the simulation is conducted in MATLAB where the parameters of the model have the classic value. The results show that in the defensive operation, the ships should be arranged vertically to the moving direction of anti-ship missile, which not only do good to decrease the interception probability of the guided radar of the anti-ship missile, but decreases the outer defense-break probability of anti-ship missile through increasing the number of interception. Thus the surviving ability of the ship could be enhanced.%根据舰空导弹拦截方式的不同,在自身拦截和协同拦截两种情况下建立了舰空导弹反导拦截次数的数学模型,并在模型参数取典型值的条件下利用MATLAB进行了仿真.结果表明,水面舰艇在防空布阵时应尽可能垂直于反舰导弹的运动方向展开,这不仅有利于降低反舰导弹末制导雷达的捕获概率,而且也有利于通过增加协同拦截次数来降低反舰导弹的外层突防概率,从而提高己方水面舰艇的生存能力.



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