首页> 中文期刊>证据科学 >民事司法程序的实证评估




民事司法程序具有多元化的目的,如保护民事权利、维护法律秩序、解决民事纠纷和保障正当程序等。我国的民事司法实践能够在多大程度实现上述目的,可以通过实证评估的方法进行测量。中国司法文明指数项目的调研数据,反映了我国民事诉讼在及时受理起诉、符合程序公正、自愿和合法调解、有效执行裁判、提供有效诉讼救济等方面的情况。其中,对调解自愿性、程序公正性的违反,是制约我国民事司法文明的两个突出因素。进一步的数据挖掘显示,这两个因素明显地降低了社会对法官形象的评价;法官强制调解与法官所感受到的压力源存在关联性。民事裁判受到不正当干预的现象,降低了对民事司法程序公正性的评价。%Civil judicial procedure has its diversified purposes, which include protecting civil rights, maintaining legal order, resolving civil disputes and safeguarding due process. Empirical study is one way to measure to what extent Chinese civil judicial practice realizes these purposes. The data collected by China Justice Index Project relfects status of the aspects in civil litigation such as, accepting the case timely, conforming to procedural justice, reconciling the parties voluntarily and legitimately, executing the verdict efficiently, and providing effective legal remedy. Breach to voluntary reconciling and violation of procedural justice are the two highlighted factors which violate Chinese civil judicial justice. A further data analysis suggests that these two factors have lowered social evaluation on judges; involuntary mediation relates to the source of pressure perceived by judge. Undue intervention has pulled down the evaluation of civil judicial procedure justice.



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