首页> 中文期刊>实用妇科内分泌电子杂志 >整体护理程序在小儿腹泻护理中的应用效果观察




Objective Summarize and summarize the aPPlication effect of holistic nursing Procedure in infantile diarrhea nursing.Methods In this PaPer, 62 cases of children with diarrhea admitted to our hosPital were randomly divided into the control grouP and the observation grouP, 31 cases in each grouP, the control grouP received routine nursing intervention, observation grouP children on the basis of the control grouP to give overall nursing intervention. The clinical efficacy, incidence of comPlications, length of hosPital stay and quality of life before and after nursing were comPared between the two grouPs.Results After their resPective nursing, the observation grouP using the overall nursing Program was far better than the control grouP in clinical efficacy, comPlication rate, hosPitalization time of the children and life quality score after nursing, the results between the two grouPs showed P<0.05 by statistical software test, the two grouPs have an analytical significance.Conclusion In the nursing of children with diarrhea, the aPPlication of holistic nursing Procedures will significantly shorten the length of hosPital stay, reduce the incidence of comPlications, imProve the clinical efficacy of Patients and imProve the Prognosis of children, which is worthy of Promotion and aPPlication.%目的 总结并归纳整体护理程序在小儿腹泻护理中的应用效果.方法 本文将我院收治的62例腹泻患儿随机分为对照组和观察组,每组31例,对照组患儿接受常规护理干预,观察组患儿在对照组基础上给予整体护理干预.比较两组临床疗效,并发症发生率,患儿住院时间及护理前后患儿的生活质量.结果 两组经各自护理后,应用整体护理程序的观察组在临床疗效,并发症发生率,患儿住院时间及护理后生活质量评分方面,均远优于对照组,组间数据经统计软件检验展示出P<0.05的结局,两组存在分析意义.结论 在腹泻患儿的护理中,整体护理程序的应用会明显缩短患儿的住院时间,降低患儿并发症发生率,提高患者临床疗效,改善患儿预后,值得推广应用.



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