首页> 中文期刊> 《电子设计工程》 >基于X3D的实时交互技术在定位实验中的应用




X3D is a ISO standard XML-based lightweight file format for representing 3D computer graphics. The present mainstream web browsers can parse 3D contents between tags with XML DOM and scripts and display enhanced application programming interfaces. Nowadays the application of Virtual Reality (VR) technology in China mainly concentrates on limited areas e.g. real estate advertisement or cultural relic restoration but rarely involves electrical experiment teaching. This paper presents the entire process of virtual simulation of location experiments of electrical experiments and reconstructing of the experiments by adopting X3D animation interaction techniques and JavaScript. The virtual simulation system is mainly used for training learners to avoid damage of equipment by students who do not fully understand the experimental principal and misoperation. Furthermore, the system runs on web and can be accessed remotely by anyone.%X3D是一种基于XML格式开发,专为万维网而设计的三维图像标记语言。目前国内虚拟现实技术主要应用于房地产宣传、古文物修复等方面,在电气实验教学中基本没有涉及。本文利用X3D语言对电气实验中的定位实验进行虚拟仿真,并利用X3D的动画交互技术以及JavaScript脚本语言来重建实验的全部过程。该仿真系统主要用于新手教学,避免了学生在尚未完全理解实验原理的情况下进行误操作而导致设备损坏等情况的发生,且该系统基于web传输,学生不必到实验室,可通过网络在宿舍随时进行实验操作学习。



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