首页> 中文期刊>教育与经济 >十年扩招对我国普通高等教育发展的影响及对策研究




The rapid expansion of enrollment in regular higher education institutions (HEIs) is the most influential public education policy in the last decade.The expansion leads to more diversified sources of fund, more higher tuition and fees paid by students, insufficiency of capital construction investment and lowering of expenditure per student. Some HEIs and disciplines are short of teachers and staffs, the improvement of e-ducational conditions is not as fast as anticipated. The expansion also increase the average scale of HIEs , the ratios of utilization of current expen-ditures, the stock of talents and graduates, and bring about more rational structure of education. In the next decade it is necessary to implement three policies such as the rapid increase in educational fund, the improvement of teacher's quality and the high ratios of use of resources.%  普通高校扩招是近10年我国教育领域里所制定的最具社会影响力的公共政策之一。扩招过程中存在着学生学费偏高、基建投资缺乏、生均经费较低、部分院校和学科缺乏师资、办学条件改善步履缓慢等问题。扩招也使得高校平均规模扩大、经费综合利用率大幅度提高,并促使专门人才储备和大学毕业生激增、教育结构扁平化。今后10年普通高校扩招中有必要制定和实施三管齐下的政策,即确保经费的优先增长、教师的优质化发展和资源的高效利用。



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