首页> 中文期刊>东方论坛 >从“崇公抑私”到“尚公重私”——儒家公私观的现代转化




Traditional Confucian culture put forward the idea of "respecting public and restraining private interest" from the political dimension of "the whole world as one community", the interest-based dimension of "justice" and the moral dimension of "the public good and private evil". In the "selfless" sense of moral and political philosophy, "respecting public and restraining private interest" constitutes the mainstream of traditional Chinese Confucian culture. However, the Confucian tradition of "respecting public and restraining private interest" has obvious limitations. With the changes in time and space and in modem social transition period, we must pay attention to the rationality and legitimacy of "private interest", in order to build a civil society; and the traditional Confucian public-private values need to be converted to "respecting public and private interest" to adapt to the development of a harmonious society.%儒家传统文化从"天下为公"的政治维度、"重义轻利"的利益维度和"公善私恶"的道德维度提出了"崇公抑私"的思想,在道德意识和政治理念上要求人们"大公无私",使得"崇公抑私"构成了中国儒家传统文化的主流。然而,儒家传统的"崇公抑私"的公私观具有明显的时代局限性:为封建统治阶层服务的"天下为公"导致"天下为私";抑制个人私欲的"以公灭私"导致"假公济私";将公私等同善恶的"公私对立"导致"公私两无"。在时空变迁和语境置换之下,现代社会转型时期必须重视"私"的合理性与正当性,为了构建公民社会,儒家传统的公私观需要转化为"尚公重私",以适应社会和谐发展的需要。



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